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Information about the city of Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi, Ukraine, organized by Focus magazine at the beginning of the list was the selection of the most livable city. In fact, with more than Çernovt'si deserve this ranking are warm, safe and clean streets, architecture and history with people. Say that the pearl of Ukraine Chernovtsi narrow cobbled streets.Reached approximately 4.5-5 hours by car 481 km from Kiev, the city has also havalanıda. Must-see for all visitors to come on a peaceful settlement. Lvov Ukraine, you'll be feeling like Romania or Avrupa'daymış Chernivtsi small and nice place. Accommodation is very abundant option than it yine Chernovtsi'de hotels and rental apartments dairelerolabildigince olanÇernovtsi'de denoted in very diverse.

Kiev cafes and bars and restaurants than the economy literally brings the feeling of spending money on people. As the most beautiful works of architecture in Western Ukraine, where a lot of these small win bitirmemekle Vienna sightseeing trip to Ukraine. Hosts over the course of history many cultures and civilizations, Chernivtsi Turkish, Polish, Romanian, and Ukrainian cultures, combined with Austria-Hungary and Russia emerged as a result of such a civilization, in conjunction with a richness of architectural history and art, a city that enchants the eyes. Will be visiting all the historic and architectural style, built in the Drama Theatre Neobarok few of them, the Central Railway Station, Old City Hall and the Fine Arts Museum of consul, and also perhaps the most beautiful building in Ukraine, which is the most exclusive Roman-Byzantine architectural masterpiece Hlavka style, designed by Czech architect and 20 years of construction, built in 1882.

Dalmatia and Bukovina Chernivtsi University of Metropolis, and today's campus was built as a residence outside of the structure is decorated with motifs of Ukrainian Folklore, symbols seen, the building is considered one of UNESCO's world cultural heritages. Fall of the Ottoman Sultans, Young Osman defeated the same way, a separate feature Hotin Castle is considered to be seen.